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. 2019 Jul 23;178(9):1305–1315. doi: 10.1007/s00431-019-03435-3

Table 1.

Summary of cohorts of children of AFM described after 2012, showing patient characteristics, clinical findings, and findings on further investigations

Author Inclusion period Country/region No pts EV-D68 pos Gender (% male) Age (mean or median with range) Prodrome (%) Limb weakness (%) Asymmetry (%) Sensory involvement (%) Hyporeflexia (%) Cranial nerve dysfunction (%) Ventilatory support (%) Bowel/bladder dysfunction (%) CSF pleocytosis (%) Protein raised in CSF (%) MRI spine: T2 hyperintensity (%) Nerve root enhancement (%) Brainstem lesions
1 Andersen 2001–2014 Australia 8 0% (13% EV-A71) 25 Med 5 100 100 100 0 NS 25 NS 0 85 71 100 38 25
2 Messacar 2012–2015 USA 159a 20–45% 56–91 Med 7.1 (0.4–73) 64–100 83–100 47–70 21–44 80–81 18–83 9–34 18–51 64–91 45–58 90–100 20–40 35–75
3 Elrick 2012–2016 USA 34 13% 65 Med 5 (< 1–15) 100 100 97 0 67 > 24 24 6 97 45 100 38 62
4 Yea 2014 Canada 25 28% 64 Med 7.8 (0.8-15.0) 88 100 NS 12 88 > 20 28 36 72 28 100 72 32
5 Gordon-Lipkin 2014–2017 USA 16 23% 69 Med 4 (3–6) 100 100 NS 6 63 50 31 NS 100 NS (Med 6.3 g/L) 100 13 42
6 Chong 2015 Japan 59 15% 59 Med 4.4 (2.6–77) 97 100 68 20 90 17 8 27 85 46 100 51 42
7 Knoester 2015–2016 Europe 29 100%b 52 Med 4 (1.6–55) 92 100 NS (usual) 7 87 60 66 7 91 NS (Med 3.8 g/L) 92 16 68
8 Bonwitt 2016 USA 10 20% (10% EV-A71) 70 Med 6 (3–14) 80 100 NS NS NS 30 10 50 78 NS (Med 5.8 g/L) 100 0 30
9 Iverson 2016 USA 5 60% 20 Mean 7.7 (3.5–12) 100 100 NS NS NS 80 NS NS 100 NS 80 NS NS
10 Hübner 2016 Germany 16 (7)c 6% 50 Mean 4.6 (1.7-14.3) 100 100 86 NS NS NS 14 NS 43 NS 86 NS NS
11 Ruggieri 2016 Argentina 11 36% 54 Mean 3.2 (0.3–6) 100 100 81 0 100 45 36 0 63 18 100 NS 45
12 Sarmast 2017 India 9 0% 56 Med 5.5 (2–7) 100 100 100 0 100 11 NS 0 89 22 100 NS 11
13 McKay 2018 USA 80 37% (29% EV-A71) 59 Med 4 (0.7–32) 99 100 NS NS NS NS NS NS 83 NS (Med 4.7 g/L) 100 NS NS
14 Ramsay 2018 UK 40 (16)d 36% 53 55% under 5 yo 55 98 NS NS NS NS 55 NS 18 NS 43 NS NS

No pts, number of patients; EV-D88, enterovirus D68; EV-A71, enterovirus A71; med, median; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; USA, United States of America; UK, United Kingdom; NS, not specified; yo, year old

aCombination of four US cohorts with a partial overlap in these cohorts

bEV-D68 had to be identified for inclusion

c16 registered cases, 7 of which were further described

d40 cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis, of which 16 fulfilled the criteria for probable or definite AFM