Fig. 1.
Competitive ELISA using synthetic peptides. The recombinant DENV-1 NS1 proteins (20 μg/mL) were coated on an ELISA plate. Aliquots (2 μg/well) of each antibody (Membrane-1, Membrane-2, AuNPs-1 and AuNPs-2) were mixed with each peptide (500 μg/well) corresponding to the amino acid positions shown in the left panel. Peroxidase-conjugated anti-mouse IgG was used to detect antibodies bound to NS1 protein. Abs. indicates the optical density at 650 nm. P1: peptide-1, P2: peptide-2, P3: peptide-3, P4: peptide-4, P5: peptide-5, P6: peptide-6, and P7: peptide-7. PC: positive control (run without added synthetic peptide)