PIKKs-related signaling pathway in the aging brain. There are three types of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-related kinases (PIKKs) DNA-dependent protein kinase including ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM), DNA protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and taxia-telangiectasia and Rad-3-related (ATR). ATM can be activated by double-strand breaks (DSB) and it phosphorylates a multitude of substrates, including nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF1), H2A histone family member X (H2AX), mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1 (MDC1), p53-binding protein 1 (53BP1), breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein (BRCA1) and MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 (MRN). As an interactor of ATM, ATMIN plays important role in its response to oxidative stress and aging related DNA damage. DNA-PKcs is required to form an active DNA-PK complex with Ku70/80. ATR is activated by single-strand breaks (SSB) and replication arrest. In aging and AD brain, all these DNA damage response pathways have been shown to progressively decline.