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. 2019 Aug 13;93(17):e00915-19. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00915-19


Top 10 upregulated and downregulated genes in persistently HPV16-infected cervical rafts, foreskin rafts, and tonsil raftsa

Top regulated gene FC Function(s)
Genes in HPV16-infected cervix rafts
        MT1G 12.03 Heavy metal binding protein containing high no. of cysteine residues
        MT1H 7.7 Heavy metal binding protein containing high no. of cysteine residues
        TGFβR3 7.3 Presents TGF-β to its receptor
        KLHL35 5.81 Kelch-like family of proteins
        DLK2 5.1 Adipogenesis
        FBLN1 5.1 Cell adhesion, migration
        ASS1 4.45 Urea cycle
        GPER 4.45 Rapid estrogen signaling
        TDRD9 4.4 RNA helicase
        TWIST1 4.21 Transcriptional regulator
        RPTN −57.5 Cornified cell envelope formation
        SERPINB4 −48.01 Immune response
        TCN1 −34.74 Binds vitamin B12
        CST6 −27.8 Inhibits cathepsin B
        KLK8 −25.8 Peptidase
        CEACAM6 −24.5 Cell adhesion
        KLK6 −22.1 Peptidase
        KLK13 −21.5 Peptidase
        RNASE7 −20.1 Antimicrobial activity
        PRSS3 −20 Defensin processing
Genes in HPV16-infected foreskin rafts
        CA9 8.1 pH regulation
        NEFH 7.7 Neurofilament
        DKN2A 7.64 Inhibits cell proliferation
        TPM1 6.45 Binds actin
        LOX 5.84 ECM cross-linking
        KLHL35 5.7 Kelch-like family
        BAIAP2L2 5.12 Binds phosphoinositide
        SPRR3 4.72 Proline-rich protein
        KCNS1 4.65 Ion channel
        ALDOC 4.5 Glycolysis
        KRT2 −71.05 Keratinocyte activation
        MX1 −50.3 Antiviral activity
        HSPB8 −50.01 Chaperone
        IFI27 −49.51 Promotes cell death
        LCE3C −26.16 Formation of cornified envelope
        DEFB4 −22.5 Antibacterial activity
        OAS2 −21.23 Antiviral enzyme
        IFIT1 −14.74 Antiviral RNA binding protein
        IFI6 −14.64 Interferon inducible
        AADAC −12.26 Hydrolase, lipase
Genes in HPV16-infected tonsil rafts
        ARHGAP15 4.6 Activates GTPase
        PITX2 3.12 Cell proliferation
        ENO2 3.1 Cell survival
        KLHL35 3 Kelch-like family
        GSTT2 2.4 Glutathione synthesis
        TDRD9 2.32 RNA helicase
        NMU 2.23 Muscle contraction
        GOLGA8B 2.2 Golgi structure
        CENPQ 2.12 Centromere protein
        E2F2 2 Transcription activator
        SAA1 −4.8 Serum amyloid
        TRNP1 −3.3 Cell cycle
        LPXN −2.91 Cell adhesion
        CTGF −2.8 Differentiation
        THBS2 −2.61 ECM interactions
        LAMC2 −2.6 Attachment, cell organization
        ANKRD38 −2.5 Cytoskeletal formation
        SH3KBP1 −2.4 Lysosomal degradation
        SNCG −2.4 Keratin network
        SAA4 −2.34 Serum amyloid

FC, microarray fold change.