Table 1.
List of parameters with their modified values in the VECTRI model set up for the Odisharegion (“–” symbol indicates unit less).
Parameter | Description | Value | Unit |
neggmn | Eggs laid per female vector | 110 | — |
rlarv_tmax | Maximum temperature for larvae survival | 34 | °C |
rlarv_tmin | Minimum temperature for larvae survival | 18 | °C |
rlarv_eggtime | Time for egg hatching | 1 | Days |
rlarv_pupaetime | Time for pupae stages | 4 | Days |
rlarv_flushmin | Minimal daily survival L1 larvae after intense rainfall | 0.4 | — |
rlarv_flushtau | Exponential decay of flushing with rain rate | 20 | mm day−1 |
rtgono | Threshold temperature for egg development in vector | 8 | °C |
dgono | Degree days for egg development in vector | 35 | Days |
rtsporo | Threshold temperature for parasite development | 16 | °C |
dsporo | Degree days for parasite development | 111 | Days |
rpop_death_rate | Fraction of population renewed each year | 0.008 | — |
rzoophilic_min | Minimum anthropophilic biting rate | 0.2 | — |