Figure 2.
Multiple ultrasonography (US) parameters measured in the two groups of mice using a VisualSonic VEVO2100, with mice lightly anesthetized under isofluorane, 6 months after pregnancy. Mice were treated with dobutamine (mimicking an effort stress [see Material and Methods]) or not. Parameters were evaluated by Doppler US and direct measures for geometrical parameters of the heart. Graphs represent the normalized levels for each group, the control group without dobutamine was the reference. Data are mean±SD analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Student-Neumann-Keuls post-hoc tests. The hash (#) and asterisk (*) symbols mark the dobutamine effect and the genotype effect (pathological pregnancy), respectively, with *,# for p < 0.05, **,## for p < 0.01 and ***,### for p < 0.001. The “I” marks an interaction effect between the two parameters measured. In the graph, among 59 parameters measured, 20 with significant values are presented. The significance of the US abbreviations are given in Supplemental Table 1. In the figure, AoV_VTI_Mean_Vel, mean ascending aorta peak velocity; AoV_VTI_Mean_Grad, mean ascending aorta peak gradient; AoV_VTI_Peak_Vel, ascending aorta mean velocity; AoV_VTI_Peak_Grad, ascending aorta mean pressure gradient; AV_Peak_Vel, ascending aorta peak velocity; AV_Peak_Pressure, ascending aorta pressure gradient; PET, pulmonary artery ejection time; RVOT_VTI_Mean_Vel, pulmonary artery mean velocity; RVOT_VTI_Mean_Grad, pulmonary artery mean velocity gradient; RVOT_VTI_Peak_Vel, pulmonary artery peak velocity; RVOT_VTI_Peak_Grad, pulmonary artery peak velocity gradient; MV_A, mitral valve a wave peak velocity; LVID_s, left ventricle internal diameter, systole; LVID + PWd + IVSd, calculation of the sum of LV internal diameter, LV posterior wall thickness and interventricular septum thickness; EF, ejection fraction (extrapolated from M mode); FS, fractional shortening; LV_Mass_mg, LV mass; LV_Vol_s, telesystolic LV volume; ROv.PI, pulsatility index; Aortic flow, flow rate in the aorta.