Figure 5.
Genetic rescue of MeHg-inhibited eclosion with GCLc expression. (A) Glutamyl-cysteinyl ligase (GCL) is the rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione (GSH) synthesis. GSH conjugated to MeHg is a substrate for cellular export via the multi-drug resistance like protein transporter (MRP1) (Madejczyk et al., 2007). (B) Gal4 > UAS expression pattern of the actin promoter (ActinGAL4, Actin>) revealed with UASGFP in a late pupa. (C) Pupal GSH levels with expression of the catalytic subunit of GCL (GCLc) by the actin promoter (Actin>) compared to control (cont., the w1118 background genetic strain). GSH levels were determined in lysate preparations of whole pupae (n = 3 replicates of pooled samples of 10 pupae, ## p < 0.0001, t-test). (D, E) Actin > GCLc and control (Actin > w1118) flies reared on indicated concentration of MeHg were evaluated for eclosion rate (D, *p < 0.0001, z-test), Hg body burden (E, # p = 0.016, t-test), and reactive oxygen species (ROS) (F, expressed in arbitrary fluorescence units (A.U.) per microgram protein, two-way ANOVA non-significant; one-way ANOVA, Actin > cont. p < 0.05 at 20 µM MeHg only, Actin > GCLc p∼nonsignificant).