Figure 4.
Improving the current M. tuberculosis treatment by adding new drugs. (a) At the top, static interactions of eth, inh and rif (EIR) with the other 17 drugs are shown. Green vertical rectangles indicate drugs that are similar with a member of EIR. inh is similar to bdq and eta, rif is similar to van. Therefore, bdq, eta and van are excluded from further consideration. The estimated static interaction score for each 4-order combination is ranked and shown in black-white. Pre and clz rank high among 4-order combinations that include EIR. At the bottom, lytic interactions for EIR with other 17 drugs are shown. Unknown interactions are shown in orange. The estimated lytic interaction score for each 4-order combination is ranked and shown in black-white. Clz ranks high in lytic synergy, however pre ranks low due to its antagonistic lytic interaction with eth. Therefore, clz emerges as the top ranked compound to complement EIR. (b) Relationship between combination order and rank% among all combinations including EIR. %rank for all combinations in each combination order is shown as a scatter plot jittered in y axis. The combination with best %rank in each order is indicated with a circle, with its color corresponding to its %rank among all possible combinations. EIR is the only 3-order combination and ranks at 6%. Addition of clz greatly improves the static and lytic synergy ranks of EIR, and 4-order combination EIR + clz is ranked at 0.01%. A 6-order combination involving EIR + clz + fus + sq1 ranks in the first 0.1%.