Fig. 1.
Histologic and pathologic changes in ethanol binge treated rats. Ethanol three-repeat binge treatments (each 5 g/kg, 12 hours apart) in male and female rats (groups of four) were performed as described under Materials and Methods. Four hours after the last binge, blood samples and liver tissues were collected. (A) Blood ethanol concentration. (B) Histology image showing differences in lipid vesicles. (C) Count of lipid vesicles. (D) Triglyceride levels. (E) Serum ALT levels. (F) Cleaved caspase-3. Values are mean ± S.E.M. (n = 4 rats). For (A and C–E), the values are shown on y-axis. For (F), values are presented as fold increase over respective sex controls. FC, female control; FE, female ethanol binge; MC, male control; ME, male ethanol binge. a,Significant compared with control (P < 0.05); b, significant compared with the male ethanol binge group; (P < 0.05).