Political Leadership
Strong political leadership
Sustained action and momentum
Continued investment in existing and new services relevant to tobacco control
Protect government budgets for tobacco work in line with inflation
Mass Media
Price and Availability
Introduce a minimum pricing structure
Introduce a taxation or levy on the tobacco industry
Establish a licencing fee for tobacco retailers
Less prominent positioning of tobacco in retail outlets
Establishment of a “health-cordon” around schools prohibiting sales of tobacco products
Further raise the age for purchasing tobacco products to 21
Smoke-Free Environments
Smoke-free parks, playgrounds, school grounds, universities, mental health facilities and flat stairwells
Consider further action to reduce second-hand smoke exposure in homes
Continue actions and progress related to smoke-free prisons
Develop policies in collaboration with the people who use those facilities
Routine salivary cotinine tests for children to capture objective data on second-hand smoke exposure
Establish a target for second-hand smoke exposure. Specific suggestion put forward: 3 out of 4 adults with no evidence of exposure to second-hand smoke by 2020
Equip a broader range of NHS staff to deliver advice on smoking cessation
A single brand to align all smoking cessation services across health boards
Better training for smoking cessation staff
Establish a new local delivery plan standard for cessation services with a focus on inequalities
Improve the quality and availability of pharmacy cessation provision
Cuts across Multiple Areas
Focus on specific populations, e.g., 16–24 year-olds, people with mental health conditions, looked after and accommodated young people, and pregnant women
Consider new ways of engaging people, e.g., joining up stop smoking services with dentists
Introduction of tobacco and smoking awareness training to the undergraduate curriculum for all health professionals
Focus interventions in the most deprived areas
Development of an evaluation strategy, robust monitoring and measurable actions
Future actions should be non-intrusive and reduce stigma
Connect tobacco with other policy priorities, e.g., obesity, alcohol use, non-communicable diseases
More collaborative working with organisations that target other health or social care priorities (e.g., mental health charities, youth organisations)