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. 2019 Aug 14;7(8):2325967119864104. doi: 10.1177/2325967119864104


Demographics for All Professional Pitchers Undergoing Revision Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction From 2010 to 2016a

n Mean ± SD Median
(Min, Max)
Age, y 69 26.3 ± 4.2 25.3
(19.5, 40.4)
Time from signing to surgery, d 69 2147 ± 1613.0
(70 months)
(44, 7167)
Time from primary to revision, d 69 1424 ± 1184.0
(47 months)
(315, 5665)
Postsurgical career length, yb 32 1.7 ± 1.3 3
(0, 5)
n %
 Right 52 75.4
 Left 17 24.6
Primary role
 Starter 42 60.9
 Reliever 27 39.1
Level at time of surgery
 MLB 26 37.7
 MiLB 43 62.3
Graft type
 Autograft palmaris longus 22 31.9
 Autograft hamstring tendon 34 49.3
 Unknown or other 13 18.8
Tunnel configuration
 Docking 17 24.6
 Modified Jobe 41 59.4
 Unknown 11 15.9

aMax, maximum; MiLB, Minor League Baseball; Min, minimum; MLB, Major League Baseball.

bOnly players who retired prior to the 2017 season were eligible for postsurgical career length calculations.