Table 1.
Search Strategy for MEDLINE and EMBASE (via Ovid)
Search | Query |
Cancer-related search terms | |
1 | cancer*.mp. |
2 | exp Neoplasms/ |
3 | neoplasm*.mp. |
4 | exp Carcinoma/ |
5 | carcinoma*.mp. |
6 | exp Sarcoma/ |
7 | sarcoma*.mp. |
8 | exp Lymphoma/ |
9 | lymphoma*.mp. |
10 | exp Leukemia/ |
11 | leukemia*.mp. |
12 | |
13 | tumor*.mp. |
14 | tumour*.mp. |
15 | Or/1–14 |
Health utility elicitations methods-related search terms | |
16 | (health adj3 (utilit* or status)).mp. |
17 | (utilit* adj3 (valu* or measur* or health or life or estimat* or elicit* or disease or score* or weight)).mp. |
18 | (preference* adj3 (valu* or measur* or health or life or estimat* or elicit* or disease or score* or instrument* or scale* or quest*)).mp. |
19 | disutilit*.mp. |
20 | standard gamble*.mp. |
21 | (time trade off or time tradeoff or time trade-off).mp. |
22 | tto.ti,ab,kw. |
23 | visual analog* scale*.mp. |
24 | |
25 | discrete choice experiment*.mp. |
26 | Rating AND (health adj3 (utilit* or status)).mp. |
27 | (Personal trade-off or PTO).mp AND (health adj3 (utilit* or status)).mp. |
28 | (multiattribute health status* or multi-attribute health status* or multiattribute utility* or multi-attribute utility*).mp. |
Utility-based instrument search terms | |
29 | (hui or hui1 or hui2 or hui3).ti,ab,kw. |
30 | health utility |
31 | (eq or euroqol or euro qol or eq5d or eq 5d or euroqual or euro qual or European Quality of Life 5-dimension or EQ-5D or EQ5D or EQ 5D).mp. |
32 | (sf6d or sf 6d or sf-6d or short form 6d or shortform 6d).mp. |
33 | (15-D or 15D).mp AND (health utility or health utilities or utility or utilities).mp |
34 | (AQoL or AQL or Assessment of Quality of Life).mp |
35 | (Patient ORiented Prostate Utility Scale or PORPUS).mp |
36 | (PROMIS or Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System).mp AND (health utility or health utilities or utility or utilities).mp |
37 | Or/16–36 |
38 | 15 and 37 |