Immunolocalization of vimentin in larval and adult frog epithelia and deeper tissues. (A–F) Confocal images showing presence of vimentin (green) expressing cells, which are the keratocytes found below the basal layer of the larval corneal epithelium. (A′-F′) Merged images for A-F with Hoechst labeled nuclei (magenta). (A-A′) No vimentin-positive cells were observed in the apical layer of the central cornea. (B-B′) Basal cells in the central cornea also do not express vimentin. (C-C′) In the central cornea region, vimentin expression is found in keratocytes, which have a dendritic morphology. (D-D′) Apical cells of the peripheral cornea do not show stain with vimentin antibody. (E-E′) No vimentin localization is detected in basal epithelial cells of the peripheral cornea of larvae. (F-F′) Keratocytes of the peripheral cornea also express vimentin. (G–J) Fluorescence light microscopic images showing vimentin (green) labeling in cross-sections of adult Xenopus epithelia, as labeled. The apical surface is located towards the top of each image, and the basal surface towards the bottom. (G′-J′) Merged images for G-J with Hoechst labeled nuclei (magenta). (G-G′) Vimentin expression is detected in the keratocytes that are present in the stromal layer. No staining is noted in central corneal epithelium. (H-H′) Vimentin-positive cells are also present in the stroma underlying the limbal epithelium. (I-I′) The eyelid has vimentin labeled cells in the dermis beneath the epithelial layer. (J-J′) Skin epithelium has moderate expression of vimentin, only in the basal cells. The antibody also labels a much higher number of cells in the dermal layer of the skin, ive, inner ventral eyelid; ove, outer ventral eyelid. Scale bar in J′ equals 25 μm for A-F, A′-F′, and 50 μm for G-J, G′-J’. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)