Role and Responsibilities of Chief Residents and Associate Chief Residents
Position | Role | Definition of Role | Responsibilities |
CR-1 | Postgraduate education | Planning and implementing resident education | Assist program directors to plan residency education curriculum, organize teachings and tutorials for Royal College of Physicians examinations, “near-peer” simulation training for emergency and acute medical scenarios, tutorials for ACGME-I In-Training Examinations, procedural skills and effective communication workshops |
CR-2 | Undergraduate education | Planning and implementing education program for medical students from affiliated medical school | Organize resident-led teachings for clinical medical students: bedside tutorials, lectures, and objective structured clinical examination based teachings; organize 6-week structured elective program for visiting student interns and clerkship students; involvement in the Residency Selection Committee and matching exercise |
CR-3 | Staffing | Planning and coordinating resident staffing | Staff residents for inpatient teams, specialty clinics, and overnight calls and night float; handle leave matters; plan staffing for emergency and mass casualty exercises; plan orientation program for incoming residents joining the department |
CR-4 | Policy and welfare | Improving quality of patient care Providing mentorship, support, and welfare to residents | Serve on the Junior Unit against IneffiCiEncies (JUICE) Committee, coordinate quality improvement programs, organize department resident-led mortality and morbidity rounds, provide counseling and support for residents at risk of burnout or who are facing coping difficulties, organize gatherings and team-building activities for residents to improve morale and promote cohesion |
ACR-1 | Postgraduate education | Assisting the CR in planning and implementing resident education | Organize and teach at the weekly intern education seminars |
ACR-2 | Undergraduate education | Assisting the CR in planning and implementing education program for medical students from affiliated medical school | Precept and orient clinical medical students joining the department |
ACR-3 ACR-4 | Staffing | Assisting the CR in planning and coordinating resident staffing | Plan the ward roster and night duty roster of the interns, organize a primer and orientation program for new interns |
ACR-5 ACR-6 | Policy and welfare | Assisting the CR in improving quality of care and welfare of residents | Counsel “at-risk” interns and supervise a buddy-system program |
Abbreviations: CR, chief resident; ACR, associate chief resident.