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. 2019 Aug;11(4 Suppl):146–151. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-18-00849


Outcomes for Evaluation of Shared Decision-Making Training Program

Outcomes Pretest (n = 27) Posttest (n = 27) P Value Effect Sizea
SDM completeness scale, % scoreb 65 (13) 71 (12) .011 0.53
Duration of encounter with SP, min 17.5 (2.2) 18.4 (3.8) .25 0.20
Senior resident's self-assessment of competencies and motivationc
 Very comfortable with practicing SDM 2.67 (0.8) 3.56 (0.7) < .001 0.96
 SDM competencies rated as “very good” 2.44 (0.6) 3.04 (0.7) .002 0.67
 Communication skills rated as “very good” 3.44 (0.6) 3.59 (0.6) .29 0.21
 Very comfortable with SDM knowledge 2.00 (0.6) 3.30 (0.7) < .001 1.42
 Very comfortable with SDM skills 2.26 (0.7) 3.15 (0.7) < .001 0.91
 Very interested to learn more about SDM 4.59 (0.5) 4.11 (0.7) < .001 −0.75
 Very interested to teach SDM to others 4.37 (0.8) 4.11 (0.6) .09 −0.34
Senior resident's self-perception on applying concepts and tools in practiced
 SDM concepts (how often applied) 2.78 (1.4) 3.81 (0.6) .001 0.71
 Decision aids (how often used) 2.30 (1.5) 2.96 (1.2) .08 0.36
 Visual methods (how often used) 1.19 (0.5) 1.56 (0.9) .05 0.40
 Option grids (how often used) 1.26 (0.7) 1.41 (0.6) .17 0.28
SP assessment of senior resident immediately after the encounterc
 Overall competence of the physician in discussing the decision rated as “excellent” 4.41 (0.8) 4.63 (0.6) .22 0.19
 SP subjective overall feeling after the encounter 4.44 (0.6) 4.81 (0.5) .031 0.44

Note: Results are given as mean (SD).

Abbreviations: SDM, shared decision-making; SP, standardized patient.


Effect size calculated as Cohen's d, whereas d = difference between the group means / SD of either group (Cohen's d of 0.2 = a small effect, 0.5 = a moderate effect, and 0.8 = a large effect).


Assessed by analysis of videotapes of encounters with SP, using a newly developed rating scale score derived from the OPTION scale, ranging from 0 (least involved) to 100 (most involved).


Assessed by means of a questionnaire, using a 5-point scale with ratings between 1 point (lowest for “strongly disagree”) and 5 points (highest for “strongly agree”).


Assessed by means of a questionnaire, using a 5-point scale with ratings between 1 point (lowest for “never”) and 5 points (highest for “daily”).