Immunohistochemistry for NeuN (A-E), CTIP2 (F-J), TBR1 (K-T) and myelin basic protein (MBP, U-II) highlights multiple phenotypes in Tubb2ad3963/d3963 (B,G,L,Q,V,AA,FF), Tubb2ad4222/d4222 (C,H,M,R,W,BB,GG) and Tubb2bd4185/d4185 (E,J,O,T,Y,DD,II) homozygous mice as compared to wild-type (A,D,F,I,K,N,P,S,U,X,Z,CC,EE,HH). (A-E) NeuN staining for differentiated neurons. (F-J) CTIP2-positive upper layer neurons. (K-T) TBR1-positive lower layer neurons. (U-II) MBP immunoreactivity indicates severe loss of axon tracts in the corpus callosum (AA, BB) and pyramidal fiber tracts (FF, GG) of the Tubb2a deletion, but not the Tubb2b deletion (DD,II). Box and asterisk in U indicate areas shown in Z and EE, respectively. Scale bars indicate 100 μm (A-T), 1 mm (U-Y), 200 μm (Z-DD) and 500 um(EE-II).