A–F) The principal effects of EN recalculated under different levels of neuropil subtraction. Neuropil subtraction was performed by calculating the raw fluorescence of each ROI on each frame
. Left column, r = 0 (no neuropil subtraction). Middle column, r = 0.3. Right, r = 0.7. (
A) Fraction of L2/3 PYR ROIs tuned to a reference whisker, calculated as in
Figure 3A. Asterisks show significant differences between EN and NH by Fisher’ Exact Test, computed separately in each spatial bin. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. (
B) Mean response evoked by a reference whisker, calculated and plotted as in
Figure 2A. (
C) Same as in (
A), but for L4 excitatory cells. (
D) Same as in in (
B), for L4 excitatory cells. (
E–F) Distribution of signal correlation (
E) or noise correlation (
F) for all within-column (in-col) and across-column (x-col) L2/3 PYR pairs. Plotted as in
Figure 5D and E. Asterisks denote difference between distributions computed by ANOVA with multiple comparisons correction. The bottom row in (
F) reports numbers of pairs of significantly whisker-responsive ROIs at each neuropil subtraction weight.