A: The nitrite production rates, which correspond to NOS activity, were assessed in RF muscle homogenates of PGC-1alpha-TG mice and their WT littermates by a fluorometric assay based on the nitrosylation of 2,3-diaminonaphthalene (DAN) to yield fluorescent 2,3-naphthotriazole. Mean values ± SD, n=6 duplicates for both strains. B: 50 μg of protein from solubilsates of RF muscle from PGC-1alpha-TG mice and WT mice were subjected to immunoblot analysis with a polyclonal anti-nNOS antibody. Note the increased levels of the nNOS alpha-isoform (160-kDa) relative to those of the beta-isoform (140-kDa) in the PGC-1alpha-TG mice compared to WT mice. D: Relation of the nNOS alpha- and beta-isoforms in detergent extracts of eight striated muscles from PGC-1alpha-tg mice and WT mice. The total nNOS concentration in each muscle was set as 100%. Mean values ± SD, n=6 for each group (with exceptions, see Supplementary Fig. 2). E: Densitometric quantification of total nNOS-immunoreactivity in detergent extracts of eight striated muscles from PGC-1alpha-tg mice and WT mice. The mean nNOS concentration in the WT mice was set as 100%. Mean values ± SD, n=6 for each group (with exceptions, see Supplementary Fig. 3).