Summary of previously published equations to adjust hemoglobin for altitude and current WHO adjustment valuesa.
aAdjustment is the amount added to the hemoglobin (Hb) cutoff defining anemia or subtracted from an individual’s observed hemoglobin level.
bBased on the equation Hb_adjustment (g/L) = 6.83 × EXP(0.000445 × altitude) +113.3 and reported as the difference between hemoglobin at a given altitude and hemoglobin at sea level (0 m). Hemoglobin was assessed up to 4540 m.9,12
cBased on the equation Hb_adjustment (g/L) = [(−0.032 × (altitude × 0.0032808) + 0.022 ×(altitude × 0.0032808)2) × 10]. Hemoglobin was assessed up to approximately 2150 m.8
dBased on the equation Hb_adjustment (g/L) = 3.44 × EXP(0.000633 × altitude) + 116.9 and reported as the difference between hemoglobin at a given altitude and hemoglobin at sea level (0 m). Hb was assessed up to 3400 m.12
eWHO cutoffs shown with an X at each (altitude, Hb_adjustment) coordinate with the recommended Hb adjustment value shown above each X.7