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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Aug 15.
Published in final edited form as: Cell Chem Biol. 2019 May 23;26(8):1081–1094.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2019.04.007


anti-paxillin BD Biosciences cat. no. 610568; RRID: AB_397917
anti-phospho-paxillin (Y118) Thermo Fisher cat. no. 44–722G; RRID: AB_2533733
anti-phosphotyrosine (4G10) Millipore cat. no. 05–321; RRID: AB 309678
anti-cortactin (p80/85) clone 4F11 Millipore cat. no. 05–180 RRID: AB_309647
anti-phospho-cortactin (Y466) Abeam cat. no. ab51073 RRID: AB_869231
anti-p130Cas BD Biosciences cat. no. 610272 RRID: AB_397667
anti-phospho-p130Cas (Y249) BD Biosciences cat. no. 558401 RRID: AB 647286
anti-SRC Cell Signaling cat. no. 2108; RRID: AB_10695298
anti-SRC Santa Cruz cat. no. 8056; RRID: AB_627306
anti-phospho-SRC family (Y416) Cell Signaling cat. no. D49G4; RRID: AB_10013641
anti-VE cadherin Santa Cruz cat. no. sc-6458; RRID: AB_2077955
anti-phospho-VE cadherin (Y658) Thermo Fisher cat. no. 44–1144G; RRID: AB_2533583
anti-phospho-VE cadherin (Y731) Thermo Fisher cat. no. 44–1145G; RRID: AB_2533584
anti-phospho-VE cadherin (Y685) gift from the laboratory of Dr. Elisabetta Dejana (IFOM) Orsenigo et al., 2012
anti-β-catenin Santa Cruz cat. no. 1496; RRID: AB_1249372
anti-P120-catenin Santa Cruz cat. no. sc-1101; RRID: AB_632091
anti-GAPDH Ambion cat. no. AM4300; RRID: AB_437392
anti-mCherry Biovision cat. no. 5993–100; RRID: AB_1975001
anti-GFP Clontech cat. no. 63238; 1 RRID: AB_2313808
Bacterial and Virus Strains
RapR-SRC-as2-cerulean-myc Adenovirus Klomp et al., 2016
RapR-SRC-cerulean-myc Adenovirus This Paper N/A
RapR-SRC-R175L-cerulean-myc Adenovirus This Paper N/A
RapR-LYN-cerulean-myc Adenovirus This Paper N/A
RapR-SRC-as2-mCherry-myc Adenovirus This Paper N/A
mCherry-FRB Adenovirus This Paper N/A
GFP(Y66S)-FRB Adenovirus This Paper N/A
VE cadherin-GFP Adenovirus Dr. William Muller (Northwestern University) Gonzalez et al., 2016
VE cadherin-GFP Y658F Adenovirus Dr. William Muller (Northwestern University) Gonzalez et al., 2016
VE cadherin-GFP Y731F Adenovirus Dr. William Muller (Northwestern University) Gonzalez et al., 2016
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
D-erythro-sphingosine-1-phosphate (CAS 26993–30–6) Avanti Polar Lipids cat. no. 860492
Human Alpha Thrombin (Factor lla) (CAS 9002–04–4) Enzyme Research Laboratories cat. no. HT1002a
Fluorescein isothiocyanate-avidin Invitrogen cat. no. 43–4411
normal donkey serum Jackson ImmunoResearch cat. no. 017–000–121
Cy™5 anti-rabbit Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories cat. no. 711–175–152 RRID: AB_2340607
Alexa Fluor® 488 anti-goat Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories cat. no. 705–545–003 RRID: AB_2340428
Alexa Fluor® 647 anti-goat Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories cat. no 705–607–003 RRID: AB_2340439
Alexa Fluor® 647 anti-mouse Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories cat. no 715–605–151 RRID: AB_2340863
Rapamycin (CAS 53123–88–9) LC Laboratories cat. no. R5000
Saracatinib (CAS 379231–04–6) Santa Cruz cat. no. sc-364607
1-Naphthyl-PP1 (CAS 221243–82–9) Cayman cat. no. 10954
Fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextra Sigma-Aldrich cat. no. 46944
Gelatin Sigma-Aldrich cat. no. G2500
Phalloidin Alexa Fluor™ 647 Thermo Fisher cat. no. A22287 RRID: AB_2620155
Experimental Models: Cell Lines
HPAEC-Human Pulmonary Artery Endothelial cells
- Passage 6–8
Lonza cat. no. CC-2530
HUVEC-Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial cells
- Passage 6–8
Lonza cat. no. C2517A
Notl-XFP FWD 5’- atatatGCGGCCGCatggtgagcaagggcgagga −3’ This Paper N/A
FRB-EcoRV REV 5’- atatatGATATCttaactagtctttgagattc −3’ This Paper N/A
Recombinant DNA
RapR-LYN-cerulean-myc plasmid This Paper N/A
RapR-SRC-cerulean-myc plasmid Karginov et al., 2014
RapR-SRC-as2-cerulean-myc plasmid Klomp et al., 2016
RapR-SRC-as2-mCherry-myc plasmid Klomp et al., 2016
RapR-SRC-R175L-cerulean-myc plasmid Karginov et al., 2014
mCherry-FRB plasmid Karginov et al., 2014
Y66S-GFP-FRB plasmid This Paper
pShuttle vector Addgene Plasmid no. 16402
mEos2-Paxillin-22 Addgene Plasmid no. 57409
Stargazin-mVenus Klomp et al., 2016
Software and Algorithms
Metamorph Image Analysis Software
Imaris Image Analysis Software
GraphPad Prism Software
FIJI - ImageJ
CellGeo software Schindelin et al., 2012
MovThresh software Tsygankov et al., 2014
ProActive software Tsygankov et al., 2014
PeakSelector Sage et al., 2015