Figure 6.
Maximum surface elevations and flow depth at the shore (along 0 m contour), simulated for the 0.27 km3 scenario (granular slide) based on results of Fig. 4d, in two highly impacted areas (a,b). For clarity of their drawing in (a,b), four arbitrary height classes were selected for bullets in (c–e). (a,b) Coastal data point locations (coloured bullets) for flow depths plotted in (c,d,e), respectively, shown over the maximum surface elevation (colour scale in meter). (c,d) Flow depth calculated for area (a) (for clarity same results were plotted as a function of Lon. or Lat.); and (e) area (b). Level datum is MSL + 1.5 m. Blue square symbols indicate data measured in field surveys27. Maps in (a,b) were produced by the authors using MATLAB version 2017b ; topography from GOOGLE EARTH georeferenced satellite images was embedded in these maps using an API key: GOOGLE EARTH, 2019 DigitalGlobe.