Fig. 3.
Effect of different phospholipids on the ATP8A2-related current transients. (A) Current transients observed upon 100 µM ATP concentration jumps on 90PC:10PS (black line), 90PC:10PE (red line), 50PC:50PE (blue line), and 100PC (green line) proteoliposomes containing ATP8A2 in basic medium, pH 7.5. (B) Average displaced charges obtained by numerical integration of the ATP-induced current transients observed for 90PC:10PS (PS, 41 ± 2 pC, n = 7), 50PC:50PE (50PE, 13 ± 1 pC, n = 5), 90PC:10PE (10PE, 9 ± 1 pC, n = 5), and 100PC (PC, 3.0 ± 0.7 pC, n = 3) proteoliposomes containing ATP8A2; n, number of independent measurements; error bars and ±, SEM. Individual data points are shown by open circles.