Reducing nigral Sry expression in male rats alleviates toxin-induced mitochondrial degradation, DNA damage, and neuroinflammation. Effect of ASO infusion on nigral TH (green) and TOM-20 (red) copositive neurons (A–C), nigral TUNEL-positive cells (D–F), and nigral iNOS-positive cells (G–I) at 2 d after injection of 6-OHDA (A, D, and G) or rotenone (B, E, and H) in male rats or injection of 6-OHDA in female rats (C, F, and I). Arrows represent TUNEL-positive or iNOS-positive cells in the SNc (n = 7/group). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 vs. SO, unpaired t test. (Scale bar: 20 µm.)