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. 2019 Aug 17;20:116. doi: 10.1186/s12875-019-1005-9

Table 3.

Descriptive statistics and univariate and effects of clients’ diagnosis on age, number of consultations and average follow-up time

Diagnosis Age M (SD) Number of consultations M (SD) Number of consultations min-max follow-up in month M (SD) follow-up in month min-max
Developmental disorders 9.3 (6.1) 9.93 (9.2) 1–57 6.1 (7.1) 0–38
Mood disorders 44.8 (16.6) 8.6 (8.9) 1–37 6.0 (6.9) 0–31
Anxiety disorders 29.9 (15.5) 9.8 (12.2) 1–75 6.5 (8.3) 0–47
Relational problems 27.7 (20.7) 7.6 (7.1) 1–42 5.2 (6.1) 0–39
Socioeconomic problems 33.2 (21.3) 6.1 (5.4) 1–30 3.9 (4.8) 0–36
Other problems 32.5 (15.9) 7.7 (10.2) 1–59 5.0 (7.9) 0–61
No diagnosis 27.4 (19.0) 3.2 (5.6) 1–59 1.4 (3.7) 0–46
F(6, 1007) 42.72*** 11.04*** 10.32***

Note. Multivariate effects Wilk’s Lambda = .74, F (18, 2826.08) = 17.33, p < .001, ***p < .001