Simultaneous Imaging of Glutamate Inputs and Ca2+ Responses in AIY Interneurons
(A) Confocal image of the glutamate indicator (iGluSnFR: green, left) and Ca2+ indicator (R-GECO: magenta, middle) in AIY. The merged image is on the right. Scale bar, 10 μm. A, anterior; L, left; P, posterior; R, right.
(B) Averaged glutamate input (blue) and Ca2+ response (red) to odor. The shaded region indicates isoamyl alcohol (IAA) stimulation, and the shadows around the solid lines indicate the SEM.
(C) Averaged glutamate intensities before (pre-addition) and after (post-addition) odor addition (left). Glutamate intensities before (pre-removal) and after (post-removal) odor stimulation removal (right). The statistical metrics are as follows: left, p = 0.00010; right, p = 0.000086; paired t test (N = 15). ***p < 0.001.