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. 2019 Aug 17;20:378. doi: 10.1186/s12891-019-2749-z

Table 3.

GRADE evidence profile of the effect of corticosteroid injection on pain

Quality assessment Summary of findings
Comparison No. of trials Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Publication bias Participants Effect size
(95% CI)a
Corticosteroid injection Comparator
Corticosteroid injection vs placebo injection
 Short term 4 [20, 24, 44, 46] No serious limitations Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness Serious imprecisionc Undetected 132 123


(−2.06, 0.11)f

 Medium term 4 [20, 24, 44, 46] No serious limitations Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness Serious imprecisionc Undetected 126 122


(− 1.90, 0.19)f

Corticosteroid injection vs physical therapy
 Short term 2 [25, 52] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness Serious imprecisione Undetected 49 50


(−2.75, 0.60)f

Very low
 Medium term 3 [25, 37, 52] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness No serious imprecision Undetected 80 79


(− 1.51, 0.03)f

 Longer term 2 [25, 37] Very serious limitationsd No serious inconsistency No serious indirectness Serious imprecisionc Undetected 52 51


(−0.39, 0.38)

Very low
Corticosteroid injection vs foot orthoses
 Short term 3 [40, 61, 64] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness No serious imprecision Undetected 92 99


(−1.69, − 0.13)f

 Medium term 3 [40, 61, 64] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb Serious indirectnessg Serious imprecisionc Undetected 72 79


(− 1.30, 0.97)

Very low
Corticosteroid injection vs dry needling
 Short term 2 [51, 59] Very serious limitationsd Very serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness Serious imprecisionc Undetected 81 81


(−3.70, 1.97)f

Very low
 Longer term 2 [51, 59] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness No serious imprecision Undetected 81 81 1.45 (0.70, 2.19)f Low
Corticosteroid injection vs extracorporeal shockwave therapy
 Short term 8 [29, 33, 34, 41, 45, 54, 56, 58] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness No serious imprecision Undetected 269 265


(−0.77, 0.12)

Very low
 Medium term 10 [29, 30, 33, 34, 41, 45, 50, 54, 58, 63] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness Serious imprecisionc Undetected 354 354


(−0.60, 0.49)

Very low
 Longer term 5 [30, 33, 34, 50, 58] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness No serious imprecision Undetected 202 211


(−0.09, 0.99)

Very low
Corticosteroid injection vs laser therapy
 Short term 2 [65, 66] Very serious limitationsd No serious inconsistency Serious indirectnessg Serious imprecisionc Undetected 50 44


(−0.61, 0.20)

Very low
Corticosteroid injection vs autologous blood injection
 Short term 4 [22, 38, 42, 62] Very serious limitationsd No serious inconsistency No serious indirectness No serious imprecision Undetected 126 131


(−0.86, − 0.26)

 Medium term 4 [22, 38, 42, 62] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness Serious imprecisionc Undetected 126 131


(−0.83, 0.21)

Very low
 Longer term 4 [22, 39, 42, 62] Very serious limitationsd No serious inconsistency No serious indirectness Serious imprecisionc Undetected 128 134


(−0.31, 0.21)

Very low
Corticosteroid injection vs platelet-rich plasma injection
 Short term 8 [21, 35, 36, 44, 49, 57, 58, 60] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness Serious imprecisionc Undetected 202 203


(−0.70, 0.38)

Very low
 Medium term 7 [21, 35, 36, 44, 57, 58, 60] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness Serious imprecisionc Undetected 187 188


(−0.19, 0.83)

Very low
 Longer term 6 [21, 35, 36, 57, 58, 60] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb Serious indirectnessh No serious imprecision Undetected 162 163 0.61 (0.30, 1.06) Very low
Corticosteroid injection vs botulinum toxin-A injection
 Short term 2 [27, 28] Very serious limitationsd Serious inconsistencyb No serious indirectness Serious imprecisione Undetected 45 45


(−0.04, 1.38)

Very low

Abbreviations: CI Confidence interval, GRADE Grading Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation

a Negative values indicate that the effect size (SMD) favours corticosteroid injection

b Rated down 1 level for consistency as there was significant heterogeneity (i.e. I2 greater than 40%)

c Rated down 1 level as the upper and lower boundaries of the confidence intervals represent different conclusions

d All participants for this outcome were from trials rated at high risk of bias

e The total sample for this outcome is less than 100

f Rated up 1 level due to large effect size

g The interventions differed between studies

h Outcome measures were obtained at significantly different time points