Pulldown assay performed with DnaN and various fragments of the RmInt1 IEP and peptides. (A) Diagram of the various parts of the IEP used in pulldown assays (lower panel). N, N-terminal part of IEP; M, middle region of IEP; C, C-terminal part of IEP; control, MBP. IEP domains are also shown; RT, reverse transcriptase domain with conserved RT sequence blocks (0-7); X, maturase domain; *, C-terminal tail. The positions of the peptides used in panel (B) are also shown. Bottom panel, pulldown assay performed with His-DnaN and various fragments of IEP. The proteins retained were subjected to SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue (Coomassie) or subjected to western blotting (western) with antibodies against the His-tag, revealing the presence of His-tagged DnaN in lanes N and M. (B) Peptide binding assay. Sequences of peptides from IEP and DNA polymerase IV used in the assays. Pol IV* has the same sequence as Pol IV except that the two residues underlined in the Pol IV sequence are replaced with alanines. The binding levels are expressed as a percentage relative to the amount of His-tagged DnaN retained by the Pol IV peptide (dashed line). (C) Peptide binding assay with mutant peptides. Sequences of the peptides synthesized, in which the underlined residues of peptide 1-1 have been replace with alanines. Peptides were coupled to streptavidin-coated paramagnetic beads and used to retain His-tagged DnaN. The binding levels are expressed as a percentage relative to the amount of His-tagged DnaN retained by peptide 1-1 (dashed line). In panels B and C, error bars represent standard error of the mean determined from three independent experiments.