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. 2019 Jul 22;2019(7):CD012636. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012636.pub2
No. Search terms Results
1 *ethics consultation/ 774
2 ethic* consult*.ti. 573
3 or/1‐2 955
4 ethics consultation/ 1090
5 ethicists/ 1902
6 ethics committees, clinical/ 2235
7 ethics, clinical/ 3097
8 bioethics/ 7333
9 bioethical issues/ 4884
10 ethical review/ 1808
11 "referral and consultation"/es 387
12 (moral adj1 (review? or case deliberation? or consult*)).ti,ab. 54
13 ((bioethic* or ethic*) adj2 (case review? or deliberation? or intervention? or round? or service? or consult* or decision?)).ti,ab. 3921
14 (ethicist? or bioethicist?).ti,ab. 2371
15 clinical ethic* committee?.ti,ab. 146
16 or/4‐15 22,545
17 randomized controlled 468,657
18 controlled clinical 92,657
19 multicenter 239,419
20 pragmatic clinical 875
21 (randomis* or randomiz* or randomly).ti,ab. 791,179
22 groups.ab. 1,836,346
23 (trial or multicenter or multi center or multicentre or multi centre).ti. 222,282
24 (intervention? or effect? or impact? or controlled or control group? or (before adj5 after) or (pre adj5 post) or ((pretest or pre test) and (posttest or post test)) or quasiexperiment* or quasi experiment* or pseudo experiment* or pseudoexperiment* or evaluat* or time series or time point? or repeated measur*).ti,ab. 8,626,386
25 non‐randomized controlled trials as topic/ 404
26 interrupted time series analysis/ 475
27 controlled before‐after studies/ 353
28 or/17‐27 9,626,077
29 exp animals/ 21,792,430
30 humans/ 17,294,501
31 29 not (29 and 30) 4,497,929
32 2,431,758
33 meta 92,479
34 191,592
35 733,489
36 468,900
37 cochrane database of systematic reviews.jn. 13,841
38 comment 733,484
39 (systematic review or literature review).ti. 118,393
40 or/31‐39 8,015,830
41 28 not 40 6,746,569
42 3 or (16 and 41) 3884