No. |
Search terms |
Results |
1 |
ethic* consult*.ti. |
53 |
2 |
(moral adj1 (review? or case deliberation? or consult*)).ti,ab. |
34 |
3 |
((bioethic* or ethic*) adj2 (case review? or deliberation? or intervention? or round? or service? or consult* or decision?)).ti,ab. |
3270 |
4 |
(ethicist? or bioethicist?).ti,ab. |
1020 |
5 |
clinical ethic* committee?.ti,ab. |
30 |
6 |
(bioethic* or ethic*).hw. |
41,155 |
7 |
professional consultation/ |
8801 |
8 |
6 and 7 |
292 |
9 |
or/2‐5,8 |
4471 |
10 |
(clinical trial or empirical study or experimental replication or followup study or longitudinal study or prospective study or quantitative study or treatment outcome).md. |
2,317,821 |
11 |
experimental design/ |
10,868 |
12 |
between groups design/ |
112 |
13 |
quantitative methods/ |
3086 |
14 |
quasi experimental methods/ |
145 |
15 |
(randomised or randomized or randomly or controlled or control group? or evaluat* or time series or time point or time points or quasi experiment* or quasiexperiment* or (before adj5 after) or (pre adj5 post) or ((pretest or pre test) and (posttest or post test)) or multicenter study or multicentre study or multi center study or multi centre study or repeated measur*).ti,ab. |
757,950 |
16 |
(trial or effect? or impact? or intervention?).ti. |
433,863 |
17 |
exp clinical trial/ |
11,060 |
18 |
((clinical or control*) adj3 trial*).ti,ab. |
65,496 |
19 |
((singl* or doubl* or trebl* or tripl*) adj5 (blind* or mask*)).ti,ab. |
24,723 |
20 |
(volunteer* or control group or controls).ti,ab. |
229,264 |
21 |
placebo/ or placebo*.ti,ab. |
38,106 |
22 |
pretesting/ |
237 |
23 |
posttesting/ |
135 |
24 |
repeated measures/ |
664 |
25 |
time series/ |
1926 |
26 |
or/10‐25 |
2,704,602 |
27 |
1 or (9 and 26) |
2015 |