Burden and Distribution of Copy-Number Variation in UK Biobank
(A) Log-scale histogram of CNV lengths. Mean length (dashed line) is 226.5 kb.
(B) Cumulative density of CNV allele count (AC), displayed in log-log axes. Average AC is 5.5, but average frequency as experienced by the population (weighted by count, hence AC2) is ∼1.6%.
(C and D) Histogram of CNV counts (C) and log-scale base-pairs affected by CNV per individual (D). Sample-level burden is heavy-tailed, with the average individual carrying 4.2 variants (dashed line), affecting mean ∼207.6 kb of genomic sequence.
(E) Genome-wide density of CNV, defined as the number of unique CNVs overlapping 10 megabase (Mb) windows tiling each chromosome. Hotspots of structural variation are labeled by cytogenic band.