Figure 3.
Changes in [11C]-raclopride binding potential (BPND) between the morphine and placebo sessions. (A) BPND maps averaged across all participants, coregistered to a common template for the morphine and (B) placebo infusion. (C) Statistical significance (t-score) map show a significant decrease in [11C]-raclopride BPnd in a large cluster encompassing the Putamen, Caudate and GP in response to morphine compared to placebo infusion (t = 3.5; p(FEW) = 0.005). (D) Four striatal regions of interest. (E) ΔBPnd for [11C]-raclopride between placebo and morphine sessions in four striatal regions of interest. Data are least square means (±s.e.m.). Sample size: 10 healthy, non-smoking, right-handed men. FWE, family-wise error. Error bars are s.e.m.