Fig 3:
Capillary morphogenesis is severely restricted in YKNR hydrogels regardless of crosslinking density. UEA (red) images from the centers of the constructs (see methods) are shown for loose (27 mg/mL PEG-VS) and dense (40 mg/mL) VPMS, YKNR, and YD-KND-R crosslinked hydrogels. Capillary-like networks formed in EC-DF co-cultures at all concentrations of PEG-VS when crosslinked with VPMS. In YKNR hydrogels, limited vessel formation was only observed in the softest (27 mg/mL) hydrogel formulation. No vessel formation was observed in non-degradable hydrogels (A). Scale bar: 500 μm. Vessel network length was quantified in each scaffold (*: p < 0.0009 compared with YD-KND-R at fixed concentration, #: p < 0.008 compared with 27 mg/mL VPMS) (B). Peptide identity did not influence the shear modulus of hydrogels (two-way ANOVA: p = 0.40) (C).