Figure 7.
Endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) levels in C. reinhardtii CC-1021. Algal cultures were grown under a 16 h photoperiod to the mid log phase (A750 = 0.3) growth stage and were sampled at the time points indicated over a subsequent 24 h period where the 16 h photoperiod commenced at time = 0 h. Algal cells were pelleted from n = 3 replicate 25 mL aliquots of culture. At each sampling point the A750 of the cultures were determined to assess cell numbers. Pellets were extracted and assessed for ABA content by competitive ELISA (MyBioSource Inc.). Data are shown as the mean ABA content cell−1 with error bars shown as +/− the 95% confidence interval around the mean in each case. Selected significant (P < 0.05 by 2 sample t-test) pairwise differences in mean ABA levels are indicated(a to d).