Figure 1.
Determination of relative cell viability after electrical stimulation. Relative cell viability of electrically stimulated ASC for 72 hours versus unstimulated controls (CTRL set at 100%). Starting with a protocol of 4 V/cm, 6 ms pulses and 2 Hz, one parameter was changed per experiment while the other two parameters were kept at the original level. (A) Voltage was increased and decreased twofold. 4 V/cm had no effect on cell viability, whereas 2 V/cm increased viability and 8 V/cm decreased viability. (B) Pulse duration was set at 6 ms, 3 ms and 12 ms. Where 6 and 3 ms had no effect on cell viability, 12 ms decreased cell viability. (C) Only frequencies of more than tenfold the starting value showed a decrease in viability. Values are expressed as the mean percentage of relative viability (of ES vs. CTRL) + SD. n = 3 per parameter.