The Effect of Removing PAX3 from the Candidate Four Transcription Factors for Inducing PAX3-Expressing Muscle Stem Cells from hiPSCs
(A) FACS profile for detecting PAX3-GFP cells with or without PAX3 from mesodermal cells.
(B) Transcriptional analyses with GFP-positive cells induced by transient DOX treatment plus three transcription factors (+3F+DOX) or two transcription factors (no PAX3, +2F+DOX). n = 3 independent replicates; p values are determined by t test from a two-tailed distribution. ∗p < 0.01.
(C) Myogenic differentiation with induced PAX3-GFP-positive cells in 2% of horse serum medium for 7 days. MYOG, purple (labeled with Alexa 647); DAPI, blue.
(D) Percentage of differentiated myogenic cells presented as MYOG/DAPI ratio. n = 3 independent replicates; p values are determined by t test from a two-tailed distribution. ∗p < 0.01.
Error bars indicate ±SEM.