Figure 5.
Secretome Analysis of Control and Fabry CMs
(A) Schematic showing the workflow for protein isolation and secretome analysis using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry from CM-conditioned medium.
(B) Histogram showing the distribution of all detected proteins by their average expression level across all samples (control and Fabry). The red line shows the fitted normal density curve. The top 20 most highly expressed proteins (green bars) are listed in order.
(C) Heatmap showing protein expression relative to controls in seven lysates from each Fabry line, from independent differentiations, of proteins >1 log2 fold changed up or down in both lines by average. Some particularly interesting candidates are highlighted to the right.
(D) Results of STRING analysis showing potential protein-protein interactions, as run on the 34 differentially expressed proteins in Table S7. Up- and downregulated proteins in Fabry CMs are shown in red and blue, respectively.
See also Figure S4.