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. 2019 Jul 17;44(4):545–554. doi: 10.3233/NRE-192692

Table 2.

Mean difference between the indoor and outdoor protocols regarding total number of behavioral responses

Function sub-categories Behavioral Responses Mean SD Multiple correction p-value
Auditory Reaction to a simple command 2.13 4.18 <0.001***
Reaction to a semi-complex command 0.08 0.51 1.711
Reaction to a complex command 0.00 0.00 4.74
Head orients toward an auditory stimulus 0.47 2.42 0.35
Eyes orient toward an auditory stimulus 0.56 2.42 <0.005**
Eyes opening in response to an auditory stimulus 0.03 0.52 5.52
Eyes opening on command 0.05 0.56 4.424
Reaction when addressed by own name 0.34 1.28 <0.001***
Visual Spontaneous exploration/fixation of an object 0.44 3.25 2.304
Exploration/fixation of an object on command 0.48 3.28 1.792
Visual pursuit of an object on command 0.16 0.90 0.296
Spontaneous exploration/fixation of an individual (person) 0.67 4.27 1.333
Exploration/fixation of an individual on command 0.74 2.44 <0.001***
Spontaneous visual pursuit of a moving object or individual 1.01 5.94 0.594
Pursuit of an individual on command 0.02 0.15 2.369
Spontaneous designation of an object 0.00 0.00 4
Motor Designation of an object on command 0.00 0.00 3
Choice of an object on command 0.01 0.11 5.088
Spontaneous seizing of an object 0.30 1.59 0.408
Seizing of an object on command 0.29 1.68 0.992
Spontaneous movement related to an object/task/individual 1.90 4.34 <0.001***
Movement on command 2.38 6.10 <0.001***
Imitation of a movement 0.20 1.44 2.052
Eyes open on tactile stimulus 0.07 0.91 4.667
Oro-motor Teeth grinding 0.01 0.08 3.135
Yawning 0.26 1.27 0.324
Sighing 0.37 2.77 2.225
Smiling/laughing 0.13 0.83 1.333
Frowning/gesturing 0.01 1.37 5.082
Spontaneous swallowing 0.56 1.56 <0.001***
Swallowing on command 0.02 0.61 5.184
Communication Response following an established communication code 0.26 2.11 2.331
Spontaneous audible vocalization 0.05 0.67 5.088
Spontaneous audible production of a word 0.17 1.36 2.369
Spontaneous audible production of a simple or complex sentence 0.04 2.05 5.082
Audible vocalization on command 0.12 1.32 4.641
Audible production of a word on command 0.23 2.68 4.624
Audible production of a simple or complex sentence on command 0.11 2.90 5.256
Non-audible diction 0.23 2.10 3
Raising the voice 0.02 0.15 2.052
Attention Attention on a stimulus held for 5 secs, at least 3&times during the whole activity 0.01 0.11 5.52
Distracting stimulus self-inhibited 0.01 0.08 2
Distracting stimulus (max 10 secs) and resuming the task without external stimulation 0.01 0.08 4.806
Distracting stimulus (max 10 secs) and resuming the task with external stimulation 0.02 0.17 4.806

Results are presented as mean±standard deviation of the difference in the number of behavioral responses between outdoor and indoor conditions; **significant at p < 0.005; ***significant at p < 0.001.