Table 2.
Final ENDS attributes, levels and mean utilities, n=660
ENDS attributes | Levels of ENDS attributes | Part-worth utilities, mean (95% CI) |
Harms of use | Less harmful on my body as compared with tobacco cigarettes | 88.96 (84.79 to 93.13) |
Unknown harm on my body as compared with tobacco cigarettes | −19.24 (−21.32 to 17.17) | |
Same amount of harm on my body as compared with tobacco cigarettes | −22.45 (−24.90 to 19.99) | |
More harm on my body as compared with tobacco cigarettes | −47.27 (−49.69 to 44.86) | |
General effects of use | Helps me breathe easier and my clothes do not smell like tobacco | 58.37 (55.07 to 61.68) |
Helps me breathe easier but my clothes smell like tobacco | −3.50 (−5.78 to 1.22) | |
Does not help me breathe easier but my clothes do not smell like tobacco | −12.35 (−14.78 to 9.93) | |
Does not help me breathe easier but still makes my clothes smell like tobacco | −42.52 (−45.15 to 39.89) | |
Tobacco cessation | 7 of 10 people are able to quit tobacco cigarettes | 41.92 (39.36 to 44.47) |
5 of 10 people are able to quit tobacco cigarettes | 19.98 (18.20 to 21.76) | |
2 of 10 people are able to quit tobacco cigarettes | −12.79 (−14.84 to 10.73) | |
People are not able to quit smoking tobacco cigarettes | −49.11 (−52.46 to 45.75) | |
Purchase price of product | $5 one-time purchase | 52.41 (49.12 to 55.70) |
$55 one-time purchase | 12.40 (11.02 to 13.77) | |
$115 one-time purchase | −26.04 (−27.92 to 24.17) | |
$175 one-time purchase | −38.76 (−40.95 to 36.57) | |
Monthly cost of use | $5 per month to use | 47.50 (44.72 to 50.29) |
$25 per month to use | 16.68 (15.00 to 18.37) | |
$65 per month to use | −22.16 (−23.91 to 20.42) | |
$100 per month to use | −42.03 (−44.37 to 39.68) | |
Nicotine content* | None (0 mg/mL) | 10.89 (6.83 to 14.96) |
Low (6 mg/mL) | 18.29 (16.16 to 20.41) | |
Medium (12 mg/mL) | 2.11 (−0.01 to 4.23) | |
High (24 mg/mL) | −31.30 (−35.12 to 27.47) | |
Flavour availability | Available in fruit, candy, coffee, wine and other flavours | 15.88 (13.32 to 18.44) |
Available in tobacco and menthol flavours | 13.50 (11.94 to 15.05) | |
Available without any flavours | −29.38 (-32.27 to 26.48) | |
Device design | Very similar in size, weight, appearance, and feel to a tobacco cigarette | 12.85 (11.16 to 14.54) |
Somewhat similar in size, weight, appearance, and feel to a tobacco cigarette | 14.47 (12.87 to 16.07) | |
Not similar at all in size, weight, appearance and feel to a tobacco cigarette | −27.32 (-29.98 to 24.66) | |
Modifiability | Various parts can be modified | 12.46 (10.68 to 14.23) |
It cannot be modified | −12.46 (-14.23 to 10.68) |
*Nicotine levels corresponded to what the current literature designated as low, medium and high levels of nicotine.
ENDS, electronic nicotine delivery systems.