Fig 2. Relating trait dimensions to pain characteristics.
Correlation matrices indicate the extent of the association of each trait with back pain intensity (EMAs, Memory, NRS), quality (MPQs/a, PainDetect), and negative affect (PANAS/n, BDI). A. In group 1, Pain-trait scores were related to almost all pain characteristics queried at V1 and V2, while Emote-trait scores were negatively related to negative affect at V1 and V2. B. Consistent findings were observed in group 2 (data only available at V1). C. Consensus was obtained when the effects were replicated within participant (across V1 and V2 in Group 1) and between cohort of patients (Group 1 and Group 2). The consensus map shows that Pain-trait related to almost all pain assessments and Emote-trait related specifically to negative affect. The consensus across visits and groups was established using uncorrected P values *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 (significant even after Bonferroni correction for all comparisons [56 comparisons in Group 1 and 28 comparisons in Group 2]). For each figure, the numerical data are available S1 Data, and a description of the analyses and P values are reported in S4 Table. BDI, Beck Depression Index (only collected at V1); EMA, ecological momentary assessment (phone app daily pain ratings); NRS, numerical rating scale; MPQa, McGill pain questionnaire/affective; MPQs, McGill pain questionnaire/sensory; PANASn, Positive and Negative Affect Scale/negative; SF-12p, 12-item short-form survey/physical health.