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. 2019 Aug 20;16(8):e1002869. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002869

Table 2. Summary of responses and trends from the 2014 and 2016 IHOPE surveys on indicators of sick-child care seeking behavior and care content (children <5 years old).

Indicator 2014 2016 2014–2016 Trend
Study group N Percent (SE) Difference
N Percent (SE) Difference
Percent relative change Percent absolute change DiD
Summary statistics for all children with symptoms of diarrhea, fever, and/or coughing with difficulty breathing
Visit to a PHF or CHW IG 183 41.35 (5.33) 98 62.50 (7.42) 51.17 21.16
NG 474 30.02 (3.35) 11.32 (0.07)+ 313 27.88 (3.97) 34.62 (0.00)*** −7.13 −2.14 23.29 (0.01)**
Visit to a PHF IG 183 28.98 (5.43) 98 49.66 (7.04) 71.37 20.68
NG 474 22.23 (3.34) 6.75 (0.28) 313 22.10 (3.50) 27.56 (0.00)*** −0.56 −0.12 20.81 (0.00)***
Visit to a CHW IG 183 12.85 (3.91) 98 12.84 (5.06) −0.09 −0.01
NG 474 7.98 (1.95) 4.87 (0.23) 313 5.78 (2.52) 7.06 (0.17) −27.61 −2.20 2.19 (0.74)
Any treatment prescribed
at a PHF or CHW
IG 183 40.14 (5.53) 98 58.26 (7.73) 45.16 18.12
NG 474 29.56 (3.31) 10.58 (0.10)+ 313 26.93 (3.95) 31.33 (0.00)*** −8.89 −2.63 20.75 (0.02)*
Care seeking for children with diarrhea
Visit to a PHF or CHW IG 56 43.28 (9.88) 44 61.47 (8.41) 42.03 18.19
NG 125 31.02 (5.90) 12.26 (0.28) 107 31.45 (5.30) 30.02 (0.00)*** 1.37 0.43 17.76 (0.16)
Visit to a PHF IG 56 35.96 (10.01) 44 45.29 (10.78) 25.95 9.33
NG 125 21.95 (5.27) 14.01 (0.19) 107 26.97 (5.30) 18.32 (0.12) 22.87 5.02 4.31 (0.74)
Visit to a CHW IG 56 7.32 (4.97) 44 16.18 (9.15) 120.98 8.86
NG 125 9.07 (3.37) -1.75 (0.78) 107 4.48 (1.86) 11.70 (0.06)+ −50.63 −4.59 13.45 (0.21)
Content of care for children with diarrhea
Any treatment prescribed
at a PHF or CHW
IG 56 41.50 (10.04) 44 58.30 (8.80) 40.48 16.80
NG 125 27.69 (6.23) 13.80 (0.23) 107 22.42 (4.75) 35.88 (0.00)*** −19.05 −5.28 22.07 (0.13)
Oral rehydration therapy
prescribed at a PHF or CHW
IG 56 29.64 (6.81) 44 49.93 (10.52) 68.48 20.30
NG 125 17.78 (5.47) 11.86 (0.18) 107 13.65 (3.37) 36.28 (0.00)*** −23.22 −4.13 24.43 (0.05)*
Antibiotics prescribed
at a PHF or CHW
IG 56 24.19 (7.08) 44 15.88 (7.09) −34.34 −8.31
NG 125 14.71 (3.89) 9.48 (0.21) 107 10.71 (3.08) 5.17 (0.46) −27.18 −4.00 −4.31 (0.67)
Zinc supplements prescribed
at a PHF or CHW
IG 56 15.81 (4.66) 44 18.59 (11.47) 17.61 2.78
NG 125 6.78 (2.80) 9.03 (0.09)+ 107 3.19 (1.79) 15.40 (0.03)* −52.97 −3.59 6.38 (0.65)
Antidiarrheal medication
prescribed at a PHF or CHW
IG 56 8.32 (6.66) 44 0.00 (0.00) −100.00 −8.32
NG 125 1.52 (1.08) 6.80 (0.08)+ 107 0.00 (0.00) −100.00 −1.52 −6.80 (0.32)
Homemade remedy
prescribed at a PHF or CHW
IG 56 0.00 (0.00) 44 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 0.00
NG 125 2.97 (2.09) −2.97 (0.34) 107 0.53 (0.53) −0.53 (0.54) −82.33 −2.45 2.45 (0.26)
Care seeking for children with persistent cough and difficulty breathing
Visit to a PHF or CHW IG 110 38.46 (5.32) 44 58.97 (11.24) 53.31 20.50
NG 251 27.85 (4.05) 10.61 (0.11) 156 28.29 (4.54) 30.67 (0.01)** 1.58 0.44 20.06 (0.08)+
Visit to a PHF IG 110 28.83 (5.63) 44 49.28 (10.48) 70.97 20.46
NG 251 22.77 (3.67) 6.06 (0.36) 156 21.90 (3.96) 27.38 (0.01)** −3.80 −0.87 21.32 (0.03)*
Visit to a CHW IG 110 9.64 (3.15) 44 9.68 (5.21) 0.48 0.05
NG 251 5.08 (1.86) 4.55 (0.19) 156 6.39 (3.13) 3.29 (0.57) 25.71 1.31 −1.26 (0.84)
Content of care for children with persistent cough and difficulty breathing
Any treatment prescribed
at a PHF or CHW
IG 110 37.35 (5.81) 44 47.85 (10.38) 28.10 10.50
NG 251 27.54 (4.05) 9.81 (0.16) 156 28.29 (4.54) 19.56 (0.07)+ 2.73 0.75 9.74 (0.40)
Antibiotics prescribed
at a PHF or CHW
IG 110 26.32 (4.83) 44 45.12 (10.43) 71.43 18.80
NG 251 16.95 (3.65) 9.37 (0.12) 156 17.47 (3.48) 27.65 (0.00)*** 3.08 0.52 18.28 (0.13)
prescribed at a PHF or CHW
IG 110 29.59 (4.69) 44 23.40 (6.85) −20.92 −6.19
NG 251 21.03 (3.81) 8.56 (0.16) 156 20.30 (4.02) 3.10 (0.69) −3.48 −0.73 −5.46 (0.48)
Antimalarial medication
prescribed at a PHF or CHW
IG 110 8.61 (2.89) 44 0.00 (0.00) −100.00 −8.61
NG 251 11.56 (2.43) −2.95 (0.45) 156 5.90 (2.53) −5.90 (0.18) −48.98 −5.66 −2.95 (0.46)
Care seeking for children with fever
Visit to a PHF or CHW IG 91 50.26 (6.38) 27 60.52 (12.36) 20.41 10.26
NG 352 31.25 (3.87) 19.00 (0.01)** 137 33.48 (6.00) 27.03 (0.05)* 7.13 2.23 8.03 (0.57)
Visit to a PHF IG 91 28.83 (7.31) 27 51.15 (12.25) 77.44 22.32
NG 352 24.37 (4.16) 4.46 (0.59) 137 29.29 (5.74) 21.86 (0.10)+ 20.18 4.92 17.41 (0.25)
Visit to a CHW IG 91 21.43 (5.97) 27 9.36 (5.83) −56.30 −12.07
NG 352 6.88 (1.77) 14.55 (0.00)*** 137 4.20 (2.17) 5.17 (0.32) −39.04 −2.69 −9.38 (0.30)
Content of care for children with fever
Any treatment prescribed
at a PHF or CHW
IG 91 50.26 (6.38) 27 52.76 (12.59) 4.99 2.51
NG 352 30.63 (3.79) 19.63 (0.01)** 137 31.37 (5.79) 21.39 (0.12) 2.43 0.74 1.76 (0.90)
prescribed at a PHF or CHW
IG 91 39.63 (4.91) 27 39.16 (10.50) −1.18 −0.47
NG 352 25.20 (3.83) 14.43 (0.02)* 137 25.60 (5.27) 13.57 (0.23) 1.57 0.40 −0.87 (0.95)
Antibiotics prescribed
at a PHF or CHW
IG 91 23.49 (4.45) 27 35.63 (11.75) 51.67 12.14
NG 352 19.13 (3.10) 4.36 (0.42) 137 17.78 (5.12) 17.85 (0.13) −7.08 −1.35 13.49 (0.31)
Malarial rapid diagnostic test
administered at a PHF or CHW
IG 91 39.26 (7.50) 27 30.78 (9.97) −21.60 −8.48
NG 352 20.98 (4.00) 18.28 (0.03)* 137 20.28 (4.66) 10.50 (0.31) −3.30 −0.69 −7.79 (0.53)
Antimalarial medication
prescribed at a PHF or CHW
IG 91 22.99 (5.20) 27 14.15 (7.10) −38.45 −8.84
NG 352 15.10 (2.60) 7.89 (0.15) 137 12.24 (4.15) 1.91 (0.81) −18.92 −2.86 −5.98 (0.50)

+p-value < 0.10.

*p-value < 0.05.

**p-value < 0.01.

***p-value < 0.001.

Abbreviations: CHW, community health worker site; DiD, difference-in-differences; IG, intervention group; IHOPE, The Ifanadiana Health Outcomes and Prosperity longitudinal Evaluation; NG, non-intervention group; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PHF, public health facility.