Extended Data Figure 3.
Metabolic profiling of TH17 cells and iTreg cells. a) Intracellular metabolites profiling of differentiating TH17 cells and iTreg cells performed by LC/MS.
* refer to the metabolites with differential abundance between TH17 cells and iTreg cell, which is inhibited by AOA. b) 2-HG concentration is much higher in differentiating TH17 cells than IiTreg cells along differentiation time line. c) AOA significantly increased 2-HG, while does not affect the level of L-Lactic acid, glutathione, oxidized glutathione, L- aspartate, slightly decrease α-KG, slightly increase glutamate related to Extended Data Fig. 3a. The relative levels of 2-HG, L-lactic acid, L-glutamate, glutathione, oxidized glutathione, L-aspartate and α-KG from Extended Data Fig.3a were re-plotted in c. The data shown in b and c are mean±S.D. of three replicates from a representative experiment of three independent experiments.