List of Arguments in dynr.mi()
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
dynrModel | dynrModel | Data and model setup |
which.aux | character | Names of the auxiliary variables used in the imputation model |
which.lag | character | Names of the variables to create lagged responses for imputation purposes |
lag | integer | Number of lags of variables in the imputation model |
which.lead | character | Names of the variables to create leading responses for imputation purposes |
lead | integer | Number of leads of variables in the imputation model |
seed | integer | Random number seed to be used in the MI procedure |
m | integer | Number of multiple imputations |
Iter | integer | Number of MCMC iterations in each imputation |
imp.exo | logical | Flag to impute the exogenous variables |
imp.obs | logical | Flag to impute the observed dependent variables |
diag | logical | Flag to use convergence diagnostics |
Rhat | numeric | Value of the statistic used as the criterion in convergence diagnostics |
verbose | logical | Flag to print the intermediate output during the estimation process |
conf.level | numeric | Confidence level used to generate confidence intervals |