The N-terminal domain of VDAC1 is required for mutant SOD1 interaction with VDAC1 and inhibition of channel conductance. (A,B) Currents passing through bilayer-reconstituted recombinant N-terminally truncated VDAC1 (ΔN-VDAC1) were recorded in response to voltage step from 0 to 10 mV (A) or –10 mV (B) before and 15–20 min after the addition of 40 μg/ml (final concentration) of SOD1WT. (C) Relative conductance of ΔN-VDAC1 as a function of voltage in a step from 60 to –60 mV before (▲) and after addition of SOD1WT (Δ). Relative conductance (conductance/maximal conductance) was determined as the average steady-state conductance at a given voltage normalized to the conductance at 10 mV, taken as the maximal conductance. (D) Histogram of VDAC1 current amplitudes at 10 mV before and after addition of SOD1WT. (E–H) Similar experiments as in (A–D), except that mutant SOD1G93A was used. (I–L) Similar experiments as in (A–D), except that mutant SOD1G85R was used.