Swi/Snf affects a broad range of metabolic processes in islet β-cells. A: Top, volcano plot shows the most differentially expressed genes in βDKO β-cells. Bottom: The most significant biological pathways identified by gene ontology (GO) analysis. Swi/Snf contributed to very divergent regulatory processes, varying from cell adhesion (most significant) to ion transport, cell migration, and carbohydrate metabolism (least significant). Expression of Swi/Snf subunits BAF250A (Arid1a), BAF53B (Actl6b), and BAF60C (Smarcd3) was increased in βDKO β-cells by 2.11-, 2.08-, and 10.3-fold, respectively. FDR, false discovery rate. B: qPCR analysis from FACS-purified Tomato+ β-cells of various βDKO genes upregulated in the RNA sequencing. n = 3. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.