(A) Schematic representation for measuring CCNC components upon mitotic entry. (B) Representative images of cells treated as in panel A. Scale bar, 5 µm. (C,D) Quantification of experiment in panel B. Centromeric intensity of CENP-N (C) or CENP-C (D) were normalized to the values measured prior to mitosis and reported as the mean ± 95% confidence interval (n = 418 or 609 centromeres for the prior to mitosis and prometaphase/metaphase conditions, respectively). (See also Figure S1). (E) Representative images of cells imaged at various stages in the moments surrounding mitotic onset. Scale bar, 5 µm. Note that some, but not all, sister centromeres have separated to the point of being distinct pairs in the cells just prior to NEBD. The asterisk denotes an inset of sister centromeres not yet resolved into a pair. (F) Quantification of panel E, expressed as the mean ratio (± 95% confidence interval [n = 601, 889, or 1009 centromeres for the before NEBD, prophase, and early prometaphase conditions, respectively]) of centromeric CENP-N/centromeric CENP-C normalized to the measurement in cells prior to NEBD.