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. 2019 Aug 19;27:e3167. doi: 10.1590/1518-8345.2849.3167

Table 1. – Characteristics of health professionals who work in three neonatal intensive care units. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, 2017 (n=514).

Variables n (%)
Sex Female 472 (91.8)
Male 42(8.2)
Professional category Nursing technicians 223(43.4)
Nurses 121(23.5)
Physicians 79(15.4)
Other* 91(17.7)
Time of work in the institution (years) Less than ‘ year 48(9.5)
1 to 5 years 251(49.7)
6 to 10 years 106(20.9)
11 to 15 years 48(9.6)
16 to 20 years 24(4.7)
21 years or more 28(5.6)
Weekly hours Less than 20 hours a week (1.8)
20 to 39 hours a week 243(48.1)
40 to 59 hours a week 226(44.7)
60 to 79 hours a week 27(5.4)
Educational level Elementary education 3(0.6)
High school 191(37.8)
Higher education 66(13.1)
Postgraduate (specialization course) 219(43.4)
Postgraduate (master’s or doctor’s degree) 26(5.1)

*Other: speech therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, social workers and psychologists; †Variables with nine interviews, missing information.