(A) The qPCR analysis of TLRs and TLR signaling pathway components in the adherent myeloid cells isolated from spleens of SPF (n = 5) and cohoused (n = 5) B6 mice. Data are representative of 2 technical replicates.
(B) Frequency and number of TLR2+ or TLR4+ cells in the blood of SPF B6, cohoused B6, and pet store mice.
(C) Frequency of CD14+ cells in blood of SPF B6, cohoused B6, and pet store mice.
(D and E) Immune subset quantification of TLR2 (D) and TLR4 (E) expression by CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells, NK cells, monocytes, and neutrophils.
Data in (B)-(E) consist of 5–10 mice/group and are representative of 3 technical replicates. *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.005.
See also Figure S4.