Figure 3.
Disruption of FRET between the receptor, CaV2.2 channel, and Gβγ at hippocampal boutons of 1a−/− neurons. A, Confocal images of axonal part of 1a−/− hippocampal pyramidal neuron that was cotransfected with CaV2.2CFP and Gβ1YFP. Scale bar, 2 μm. B, Lack of specific FRET between CaV2.2CFP and Gβ1N′-YFP in 1a−/− boutons: under miniature synaptic activity (Cnt, n = 31, N = 6), in the presence of 10 μm baclofen (n = 16, N = 4), and in TeTx-treated (n = 14, N = 3) and young (n = 14, N = 4) neurons. Transfection of 1a−/− neurons with GB1a resulted in rescue of CaV2.2CFP/Gβ1N′-YFP FRET (n = 17, N = 4, ***p < 0.0001). C, Lack of specific FRET between CaV2.2CFP and either Gγ2N′-YFP (n = 10, N = 3) or Gγ2C′-YFP (n = 9, N = 3). D, Disruption of specific FRET between CaV2.2CFP and GB2YFP protein in 1a−/− neurons (n = 8, N = 3, ***p < 0.0001). E, Diagram illustrating disruption of CaV2.2CFP/Gβ1YFP FRET in boutons of 1a−/− neurons. One-way ANOVA analysis with post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparison tests (B) and paired t test (C, D) indicated significance. Error bars indicate SEM.