Table 1.
Temporal response patterns: classification scheme
Temporal response pattern | Response components |
Onset (first 50 ms of stimulation) | Ongoing (remaining stimulation time)a | Offset (from stimulation offset) b | |
Sparse (spa) | <2 Hz | <2 Hz | ≤Mean (on, ongoing) |
Onset (on) | >2.5 Hz | <1.5 Hz | Not specified c |
Primary-like (pl) | >1.5× ongoing | >1.5 Hz | 0 Hz |
Sustained (sus) | >2 Hz and ≥1.5× ongoing | >2 Hz and ≤2× onset | 0 Hz |
Primary-like spontaneous (plb) | 1.5× ongoing | >1.5 Hz and >offset + SD (offset) | >0 Hz |
Sustained spontaneous (sub) | >2 Hz and ≥1.5× ongoing | >2 Hz and ≤2× onset | >0 Hz |
Long-latency sustained/build-up (lsus) | Not specified | >2× onset | Not specified c |
Offset/inhibitory (off) | <offset − SD (offset) or no activity | <offset − SD (offset) or no activity | >0 Hz |
aRemaining stimulus time, 60–110 ms for pure tone stimulation and 60–260 ms for noise stimulation.
bFrom stimulus offset, Activity from 120 to 250 ms from stimulus onset for pure tone (pulse duration, 100 ms) and 270 to 750 ms for noise (pulse duration, 250 ms) stimulation.
cOnset and late sustained neurons were not subdivided in spontaneously not active and active cells because only 2 of 7 onset cells and 2 of 5 late sustained cells in young and 1 of 5 onset cells and 5 of 10 late sustained neurons in aged animals showed spontaneous activity.