FIG 5.
Phylogenetic affiliation of amino acid sequences of the mcrA genes present in Methanoliparia_GoM MAGs. The tree was calculated based on a maximum-likelihood algorithm using 305 amino acid sequences using over 450 amino acid positions for calculations. “Ca. Methanoliparia” mcrA genes are indicated in red (related to the divergent mcr genes of Bathyarchaeota, Hadesarchaea, and “Ca. Polytropus marinifundus”) or blue (related to methane cycling) and indicate the locus tag, original MAG, and scaffold. The inclusion of the divergent McrA of Methanoliparia_GoM_asphalt in this phylogenetic analysis was not possible, as the corresponding mcrA sequence was truncated and could not be recovered since the mcr operon was located in a short contig. The scale bar indicates the number of amino acid substitutions per site. Bootstrap values of >90% are indicated with black circles.